Why Sons & Daughters? We believe that the youth of our city will run further, faster, stronger, and longer when they know who they are. Identity gives us purpose to what God longs to do in us, and with calling our SD movement Sons and Daughters we are instilling that right away. Our vision for our youth is to provide a place for every youth in our city to encounter God. Our mission is to inspire, encourage, and welcome home the youth of our city.

Wednesday Nights
Join us for food, games, teaching/preaching, worship and small groups. Our desire at SD is to create an environment of fun, safety, belonging, learning, and growth, with a core desire to love and be loved by Jesus, and to look like Jesus.
You can follow us on Instagram (sd_juniorhigh) where we post updates and important announcements!
Wednesdays | 6:30-8:30PM| Catalyst Center West

Sunday Morning Youth Church
Jr. High Youth attends worship in the main space, then meets in the Front Room for each gathering.
Sundays | 9AM & 11AM | Catalyst Center West

SD Youth Waiver
A Waiver/Release of Liability is required for all students attending youth events. You can find that form HERE. Please fill out and email to Noah@thestirring.org or have your student turn it into their youth pastor upon arrival. Thank you!


  • May 15th - Party in the Park @ Enterprise Park

  • June 19th - Pool Party @ 9787 Oak Run RD

  • July 17th - Lake Day @ Whiskeytown Lake (Brandy Creek Marina)

  • July 25th - 28th - SD Summer Camp @ The Summit

  • August 7th - SD Bounce Back @ Rare Air

    For more information on upcoming events click HERE.


Here are some amazing ways that you as a parent can get involved:

  1. Prayer team! Our prayer team is a group that covers our leaders and students in prayer each week.

  2. Bring Snacks! Our students always have an appetite and love to snack after games or during hang time. Snack donations are always GREATLY appreciated.


If you have a heart for youth and want to be part of an incredible team, please contact us! All S/D volunteers are required to be background checked and live a life consistent with our values at S/D and The Stirring.

For more info about joining our team click HERE.


Noah Baxter is the Sons & Daughters Jr. High & HS Youth Pastor. After studying youth ministry and interning with the Stirring, Noah has grown in his passion to see youth discover who they are in Christ as sons and daughters of God. He wants to help young people go deeper in relationship with the Father, and discover even more of what the Holy Spirit is doing, in their lives and in the world around them, enabling them to walk closely beside Him. He feels called to pastor and to preach the story of God. Noah is engaged to a beautiful lady named Chelsey, a former college athlete, an anime fan, and an artist who loves music and poetry.

Email Noah here.